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“Our taxes don’t go to public schools, our money doesn’t pay for the roads here; we do not truly consider ourselves Grafton County-ites. When people ask where you go to school, you say Dartmouth. You never say you’re from Hanover, but some far-off place you call “home.” And by voting for one of our carpet-bagging compatriots, we’ve done Grafton a great disservice.” ~ Zachary Gottlieb, Dartmouth College Newspaper on the election of a non-resident to the office of Grafton County Treasurer
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by Ed Naile As NH citizens watch the most recent leftist riots in Democrat cities, since the most recent video showing a white police officer abusing a black suspect, people seem puzzled by the rapid escalation of the violence and looting. Our left-wing media whip the...
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The NHACLU Withdraws Federal Case for Fear of Losing “Special Privileges” Given Out-of-State Student Voters by Ed Naile On February 13, 2024 The American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of New Hampshire filed a lawsuit against NH in federal court challenging a...
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8个最佳免费和开源NAS或SAN软件(2021年) - NAS存储 ...:2021-9-4 · OpenMediaVault(OMV) Openfiler Rockstor Nexenta社区版 Amahi CryptoNAS FreeNAS FreeNAS是最流行的免费和开源NAS操作系统,具有企业级功能和企业级ZFS开源文件系统。它可众虚拟安装,也可众安装在硬件上,众创建集中式数据环境。它提供的界面
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Installing OpenMediaVault to a Raspberry Pi - Pi My …:OpenMediaVault is a networked attached storage (NAS) solution built on Debian that has support for the Raspberry Pi.. Using this software, you can easily convert your Raspberry Pi into a powerful NAS that has built-in support for a variety of different services.
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If you are a New Hampshire citizen who does NOT like non-citizens voting in our General Elections through the use of “Same -Day Voter Registration” fraud, then you will HATE vote by mail. I promise. The vote by mail scam would work in our state exactly like absentee...
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OpenMediaVault | Tom's Hardware Italia:Salve a tutti, eccomi con la prima domanda (multipla). Ho da poco avviato il progetto di creare un economico NAS domestico per archiviazione e backup dati, media server ecc e la scelta, dopo aver fatto alcune prove, è ricaduta su Openmediavault che sembra leggero, stabile, funzionale e piuttosto...